
Chorley Subscription Bowling Club

Types of Membership


There are three types of membership for the club

Full Member


This provides you with valuable rights.


Once you are accepted as a Full Shareholder Member you can use the club's premises whenever you like, although you can't stay overnight or leave your car parked for more than five hours Monday to Friday.


In addition to the main entrance there is a pedestrian access onto Shaftesbury Place which provides an easier route into town.



Country Member


Available at a slightly reduced subscription rate, primarily for those who live more than 15 miles from the club.

Associate Member


Available at a slightly reduced rate for those aged between 18 and 35 years.


Also normally granted to spouses or partners of Full Members with no additional subscription charged.



Full members may bring a guest along from time to time. However each guest must be signed in and cannot attend more than four times a year. More than that and they would be expected to apply for membership in their own right. Country and associate members cannot sign in guests.

Windsor Road
